Хүүхдэд зориулсан тавиуртай өндөр тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгавар

  • Хүүхдэд зориулсан тавиуртай өндөр тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгавар
  • Хүүхдэд зориулсан тавиуртай өндөр тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгавар
  • Хүүхдэд зориулсан тавиуртай өндөр тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгавар
  • Хүүхдэд зориулсан тавиуртай өндөр тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгавар
  • video
  • ergofuns
  • Фүжиан
  • 8-30 хоног
  • Сард 8000 багц
1. Тохиромжтой өндрийн тохируулга: Манай хүүхдийн гэрийн даалгаврын ширээ нь урд талд суурилуулсан гар бүлүүрт механизмтай бөгөөд өндрийг хялбар, хялбар тохируулах боломжийг олгодог. Гараа зүгээр л эргүүлэхэд хүүхдүүд хамгийн тохиромжтой ширээний өндрийг хялбархан олох боломжтой бөгөөд ингэснээр тэдний тав тухыг хангаж, хичээлийн үеэр зөв байрлалыг бий болгоно. Энэхүү хэрэглэгчдэд ээлтэй загвар нь хүүхдүүдэд сургалтын орчиндоо хяналт тавих боломжийг олгодог. 2.Хүчгүй хөдөлгөөн: Бид олон талт сургалтын орон зайн ач холбогдлыг ойлгодог тул манай хүүхдэд зориулсан тохируулгатай гэрийн даалгаврын ширээ нь ширээний хөл дээр дугуйгаар тоноглогдсон байдаг. Энэ нь хүүхдүүдэд хялбар хөдөлгөөн, зохион байгуулалтыг бий болгож, хүүхдүүдийн ширээг хүссэн газар руу нь маш их хүчин чармайлт гаргахгүйгээр хялбархан шилжүүлэх эрх чөлөөг олгодог. Тэд өөр өрөөнд шилжихийг хүсч байгаа эсэх, эсвэл зүгээр л сургалтын талбайгаа өөрчлөхийг хүсч байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран манай ширээ нь тэдний өөрчлөгдөж буй хэрэгцээнд дасан зохицох уян хатан байдал, тав тухтай байдлыг хангадаг. 3.Сайжруулсан тогтвортой байдал: Судалгааны ширээний хувьд тогтвортой байдал нь нэн тэргүүнд тавигддаг. Тийм учраас бид үүнийг хангахын тулд нэмэлт арга хэмжээ авсан. Манай хүүхдийн гэрийн даалгаврын ширээний хөлийг зориудаар өтгөрүүлсэн нь бат бөх найдвартай суурийг бүрдүүлсэн. Хүүхдүүд ямар нэгэн савлагаа, тогтворгүй байдлын талаар санаа зовох шаардлагагүй тул ширээн дээр өөртөө итгэлтэйгээр янз бүрийн сургалтын үйл ажиллагаа явуулж болно. Ширээний хөлний бат бөх загвар нь аюулгүй, найдвартай сургалтын платформыг бий болгож, анхаарал төвлөрүүлэх, бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх боломжийг олгодог. 4.Нүдэнд ээлтэй гэрэлтүүлэг: Манай хүүхдийн гэрийн даалгавар тавиуртай ширээ нь нүдийг хамгаалах дулаан гэрэлтэй. Энэхүү чийдэн нь ширээний компьютерийг бүхэлд нь хангалттай гэрэлтүүлж, хүүхдүүдийг гэрэлтүүлэг сайтай, тав тухтай суралцах орчинг бүрдүүлдэг. Босоо гэрэлтүүлгийн загвар нь хурц гэрэл, тусгалыг үр дүнтэй багасгаж, нүдийг нь ачаалалаас хамгаалдаг. Энэхүү эргэцүүлэн бодох онцлогийг ашигласнаар хүүхдүүд илүү их анхаарал төвлөрүүлж, тодорхой, тав тухтай суралцаж, суралцах туршлагаа сайжруулж чадна.

Height Adjustable Homework Desk With Shelf For Children


With our front-mounted hand-crank mechanism, adjusting the desk height has never been easier. Children can effortlessly find their perfect ergonomic position, ensuring comfort and promoting proper posture during their study sessions. Empower your child to take charge of their learning environment and customize it to their unique needs.Experience the freedom of mobility with our adjustable homework desk. Equipped with convenient wheels on the table legs, children can effortlessly move and rearrange their study area to suit their preferences. This flexibility allows for seamless adaptation and encourages a dynamic learning environment.Stability is at the core of our children's learning desk. We have meticulously thickened the table legs to provide a solid and dependable foundation. Say goodbye to wobbling and distractions, as your child can now focus on their studies without any worries.We prioritize your child's eye health. That's why our learning desk features a warm and eye-protective lamp. This carefully designed illumination system provides ample light across the entire desktop, effectively reducing glare and minimizing eye strain. Your child can now study with enhanced concentration and comfort.

height adjustable children homework desk


  • Table Legs Height Adjustable

  • Enduring Usability: The height adjustable children homework desk is built to withstand the test of time, adapting seamlessly to the changing height requirements of growing children. From early childhood to adolescence, this desk can be easily adjusted to ensure a comfortable and ergonomic study environment, eliminating the need for frequent replacements.

  • Personalized Ergonomics: We understand that each child has unique needs, which is why our children homework desk offers customizable features. The adjustable table leg height allows for personalized fitting, ensuring that every child can maintain the correct posture and reduce strain on their back and neck. This tailored comfort enhances their focus and productivity during study sessions.

  • Cost-Saving Solution: By investing in our children homework desk with adjustable table leg height, you're making a smart financial choice. Its long-term usability eliminates the need for purchasing multiple desks as your child grows. This not only saves you money but also contributes to reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

adjustable homework desk for children
  • Enlarged and Thickened Table Legs

  • Unwavering Stability: The children homework desk with shelf stands firm with its robust and reinforced table legs, ensuring unparalleled stability. Children can fully immerse themselves in their learning activities without any distractions from wobbling or instability. The sturdy table leg design guarantees a solid and reliable platform for uninterrupted learning.

  • Safety at the Core: A stable study desk prioritizes the safety of children. With our children homework desk's enhanced stability, there is minimal risk of accidental tilting or tipping, creating a secure learning environment. Parents can rest assured knowing that their children can independently use the study desk with utmost confidence in its stability and safety.

  • Long-lasting Durability: The enlarged and reinforced table legs contribute to the study desk's exceptional durability. Built to withstand the active nature of children during study sessions, our desk maintains its stability, strength, and integrity over time. No matter how much it is used, it remains a reliable and steadfast companion for their learning journey.

children homework desk with shelf
  • Desktop Tilt Adjustable

With the freedom to adjust the angle, children can set it at 0°-15° for comfortable writing sessions, ensuring a flat surface for neat penmanship. When it's time for reading, they can effortlessly tilt it between 15°-30°, providing an optimal position for relaxed and enjoyable reading experiences. For their artistic endeavors, the desk can be tilted from 30°-50°, creating a perfect incline for creative drawing and imaginative projects.This remarkable feature offers a personalized and adaptable learning experience, empowering children to work, read, and create in a position that suits their individual preferences. By promoting ergonomic comfort and reducing strain, our desk helps maintain focus and productivity during study sessions.

height adjustable children homework desk
  • Eye Protection Lamp

  • Efficient Space Utilization: The children homework desk with shelf features a space-saving solution with a retractable eye-friendly lamp design. This clever feature allows the lamp to be conveniently stored on the desk, maximizing available space. By keeping the desktop clean and clutter-free, children have more room for focused learning and organized study materials.

  • Gentle and Uniform Illumination: Our lamp is thoughtfully designed to deliver shadow-free and gentle lighting, minimizing eye fatigue and visual strain. The even and soft illumination creates a comfortable learning environment where children can concentrate without discomfort. Say goodbye to harsh lighting and hello to a soothing ambiance that promotes productivity.

  • Adjustable Three-Dimensional Lamp Arm: The eye-friendly lamp on our study desk is equipped with a versatile three-dimensional folding lamp arm. This innovative feature allows children to adjust the lamp's position according to their height and preferred angles. By directing the light precisely to the study area, it ensures optimal and efficient illumination, enhancing their focus and concentration.

  • Intuitive Touchscreen Controls: The eye-friendly lamp is equipped with a user-friendly touchscreen display, empowering children to personalize their lighting experience. With a simple touch, they can adjust the brightness, color temperature, and other parameters to their liking. This intuitive control system provides a customized and tailored lighting setting that suits their preferences and study needs.

adjustable homework desk for children


  • Desktop Length: 120cm

  • Desktop Width: 65cm

  • Desktop Height: 52cm

  • Leg Length: 111cm

  • Leg Height: 64-85cm

  • Color :Buff